In the heart of Mathare, where shadows of adversity loomed large, Brian, the fourth born in a family of seven, embarked on a transformative journey at Mathare Light Centre. Living with his mum and an absentee dad, the weight of responsibility rested heavily on young Rodgers’ shoulders from an early age. At the tender age of three, he stepped into the halls of Mathare Light Centre, seeking not just education but a lifeline amid the challenges life had thrown at him.

Brians’ journey became intertwined with the impactful feeding program offered at Mathare Light Centre. As a beneficiary, the daily provision of nourishing meals became a beacon of hope in his life. In the face of hunger at home, especially during school holidays when the doors of the Centre closed, Rodgers found solace and sustenance in the consistent support provided by the feeding program.

Beyond the physical nourishment, Mathare Light Centre became a sanctuary where Brians’ dreams started to take root. With aspirations of becoming a professional footballer, he found encouragement and guidance from mentors who recognized his potential. The Centre not only offered academic support but also fostered an environment where Rodgers could nurture his passion for football, providing a pathway for him to chase his dreams.

Despite the absenteeism of his father, Brian discovered a new sense of family at Mathare Light Centre. The community, the mentors, and the programs designed to uplift and empower became instrumental in reshaping his narrative. Through the challenges and the triumphs, Brians’ story stands as a testament to the transformative power of education, mentorship, and unwavering support.

As he continues to pursue his dream of becoming a professional footballer, Brian exemplifies the resilience that blossoms when a child is given not just the tools for academic success but also the nourishment and support to dream beyond the circumstances. In the heart of Mathare, where challenges abound, Brians’ story radiates hope, echoing the impact of Mathare Light Centre in transforming lives and nurturing aspirations.